Monday 10 March 2008

Saturday Night Youth Group!

Studying through the book of John

Worship with the little ones.   

Monday 3 March 2008

Video from Missions Week!

Check out a video of missions week at:

Saturday 1 March 2008

Follow Up On Missions Week

Thank you for your prayers for the missions week and the students on campus.  To update you on what has happened since missions week:  
Unite at the Cube - 
The week ended with a massive dance party at the campus nightclub the following monday after missions week.  A lot of people who had come to the events during missions week came to dance and hang out.  Hammad came, and we got to talk about where he is at with the Lord.  He has also been coming to the friday night "Unite" meetings with the christian union.

Solent University - This week, I have been involved with another missions team at Solent University, helping them promote events and sharing the gospel with students.  We had a gospel talk each day in the main Cafe, and blessed the students with activities such as washing dishes in the dorm room kitchens for the students.  

Thank you for keeping updated and staying in prayer!