Tuesday 12 February 2008

Day 2 Good News

"And when they had heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked, while others said, 'we will hear you again on this matter.'  So Paul departed from among them.  However some men joined and believed."  Acts 17:32-24

Today, the topic of discussion was "Science and Christianity," which is a major stumbling block for students on campus when it comes to believing in God and creation.  We had two back to back sessions consisting of a half hour message followed by a discussion panel, where people put us on the spot and asked us any questions they had.  Before the talk i was blessed to be able to share my testimony of how God reached me when i was in University.  After the message, i was also on the discussion panel.  Of course, we got asked some questions about creation and evolution and were able to share what the bible teaches about God creating the world in 6 days, resting on the 7th and the order of which He set up life.  We shared Romans 1:20 how God can be seen clearly through creation so we are without excuse when it comes to believing in God.  My favorite part of the day is after all of the formal discussions, when we sit down and just be real with everyone.  We have some amazing conversations over a cup of tea and really get to hear peoples hearts.  These are tough life questions that we all wonder about and we don't pretend to be all knowing and have every answer perfect.  But we serve an all knowing, all powerful God, who is loving and desires every students we come in contact with to know Him.  
I had an awesome chat with a Canadian named Collin.  We both had the same sounding accent and similar vocabulary, so we hit it off right away.  I hope to see him again and that he continues to come to the events.  

What's this couch doing here?!
We'll... we decided to set up a couch in the center of the campus, where all the students hang out, with the hope that people would see us, wonder what on earth we were doing sitting on a couch in the main square, and ask us questions.  Brilliant...  Sure enough, people came, sat down with us, and asked what we were all about.  Two older students joined us in our lounging.  We got talking about God, and they shared how they believe that God exists, but that He is far from us today and doesn't care what we do with our lives.  We shared with them the power of God in our lives, and how he knows us, changes us, speaks to us, directs us, and loves us every day.  

I know that with your prayers, God will supernaturally turn peoples hearts to Him and that students will respond to the gospel message.  In the book of Acts, Paul talks about the Barean's, how they, "received the word with readiness and searched the scriptures daily to find out wether these things were so."  This week is an amazing opportunity because students can come hear the gospel every day at any time.  Many people we talk with on campus come in to the tents later to listen to the gospel.  They are seeking answers and God is giving them.

As quoted earlier from Acts 17, after hearing about Jesus resurrection from the dead, some people mocked, some wanted to hear more before they believed, and a few people believed.  We never read anything that suggests that the people who wanted to hear more ever got that second opportunity.  Praise the Lord we have a 24/7 prayer tent, but they may not get another chance.  This week, with your prayers, i know God will prepare students to believe the good news, drop their nets and follow Him no matter what the cost.  

1 comment:

Van said...

Great idea with the couch in the middle of campus! :) I hope everything is going well!